I know what it's like to be at that crossroads,
- What's next?
- What truly is my purpose?
- Why haven't I found it yet?
- Am I doing something wrong?
- Other people seem to have what I seek. Why not me?
In 2015, I decided to sell a successful business that I created because it no longer felt right for me. I became unhappy running it even though it was really successful and becoming more so every day. From the outside, it looked like madness to sell it. But my Soul was calling me to become who I am truly here to be. It was very scary though! I didn't have a roadmap. I had no clear guidance, but I knew I had to do it.
And, I knew that if I felt like this, there had to be others' feeling this way. I needed a solution and knew I wanted to help others once I figured it out.
So, I studied...and studied. I experimented. I followed my heart and my passions. I discovered so much. And now I absolutely LOVE my life. I am being who I KNOW I'm here to be. I have the privilege of coaching my beautiful clients to find that same alignment. To know who they are here to be
And now I'm so happy to bring all that I know into a group program so that I can help even more people connect to their heart, know who they are here to be and live a Soul Aligned Life.